
1-Sialoliths in mare

2-Repair of radial fracture 1987

3-A congenital bilateral anophtalmia 1987

4-Supernumerary horns 1987

5-Perforation of colon

6-Meningocele in lambs

7-A note on observation on foot disorder

8-Single layer anastomosis

9-Cranial sinus venography

10-Intravenous retrograde regional anesthesia

11-Hypospadias and urethral diverticula

12-Slaughter house survey of bovine foot

13-Effect of thoracic limb tourniquet ischemia

14-Atresia ani and atresia ani et recti

15-Angiographic study of bovine foot disorders

16-Incidence of clinical diseases of sheep

17-Topographic and histological study of pancreas

18-Incidence of clinical diseases of cattle

20-caudal epidural injection of xylazine

21-Evaluation of IM administration  of   xylazine-Ketamine mixture

22-Epidemiological and therapeutical study of Giardiasis in sheep

23-Anatomical study of the tongue in adult rams

24-Anatomical study of feral queens reproductive system in Iraq

25-Anatomical and histological study of oviduct in the pigeon

26-Castration of Iraqi local bucks by bilateral spermatic cord torsion

27-Study of some physiological and pathological aspects of feral queen’s

28-Epidemiological study of Giardiasis in cows and human

29-Acceleration of skin wound healing by application of galvanic stimulation in rabbits

30-Anatomical study of the digit of fore limbs in goat

31-Evaluation of pinhole castration technique

32-Magnesium sulfate, Ketorolac, Propofol, Ketamine, and Xylazine anesthetic protocol

33-Flank  analgesia using lumbosacral epidural injection of tramadol

34-Proteolytic Versus Surgical Removal The Therapeutic Effect of Fig Tree Latex

35-Comparison of the anesthetic effect of paracetamol, tramadol, ketamine, xylazine, combination

36-The effect of low level laser therapy on tendon healing

37-The effect of low level laser therapy on bone healing

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